when you stop drinking

5 Things to tell your friends when you stop drinking

When you stop drinking, a lot of things will change. I personally DID NOT expect this to happen… I thought I’d have a different type of drink in my hand, and that’s it, but how wrong was I… Your whole world changes! Or at least the way you see and live it.

So today, I want to share a few tips that might help you navigate your (changing) friendships, as they likely will change. 

The most important thing to do is to keep the communication flowing between you and your friends. It might be hard to explain how you feel now that you stopped drinking and what changed for you. However, try and explain what your difficult moments are, your triggers. What changed for you? Do you like to do different things now you quit drinking? 

Another huge one is to start setting boundaries. If you for instance feel uncomfortable going ‘Out Out’ with the girls now you stopped drinking, then tell your friends this. It might initially hurt their feelings, but it will be worth it, as your sobriety needs to be your priority! You might be able to loosen up some of those boundaries once you feel more comfortable in your new life of being a non-drinker, but until then, respect your needs🩷

So here we go, things to tell your friends when you stop drinking…

  1. Even though our relationship might shift, I love you just as much as I did before I stopped drinking!” – It is important to let your friends know this, as suddenly saying no to things and putting firmer boundaries in place won’t go unnoticed…
  2. It would be so awesome if you would have a nice alcohol-free drink option (or two!) available when I visit you.” – When all the other guests are having wine/beers/cocktails, it is VERY boring to stand there with a glass of tap water or a kids drink…
  3. Plz don’t stop inviting me to things just because I don’t drink alcohol anymore. I can decide whether something is still for me. That’s not on you.” – We might be sober, but we’re not dead…
  4. Be open to the idea of doing other things together that are not focused on alcohol. Like going for a coffee, shopping, a spa day, going for a hike, booze-less brunch, yoga class.” – All day/Just drinking is boooooring…
  5. I might change, but that doesn’t mean I now feel better than you. It just means I’m working on feeling better than the old me.” – Ríght? High five to us, though, for working on ourselves… 

Anything you would like to add to this list? Or something you would like to share that you have experienced? Let me know HERE or below in the comments!

Izzy x