Sobriety chat with Sarah Rusbatch

My sobriety chat with Sarah Rusbatch – About blacking out, friendships & more!

The other day I had a sobriety chat with Sarah Rusbatch. We discussed Gray Area drinking and our journeys to a booze-free life.

Sarah is a certified Women’s Health and Wellbeing Coach and an accredited Gray Area Drinking Coach, who’s mission it is to support women in creating their happiest and most fulfilling lives, alcohol-free! She lives in Perth, Australia, and stopped drinking herself in April 2019. We connected on Instagram and when she reached out to me to have a chat about our journeys to an alcohol-free life, I got really excited. During my sobriety chat with Sarah Rusbatch, I found out that she is very knowledgable and super fun to talk with.

Things that came up during our conversation: Shrinking livers, blacking out, airplane rules, shifting friendships, boundaries, sober retreats, moderation, overthinking, Russian roulette, connection, authenticity, quit lit, and so much more…

Watch it here:

Do you have any questions?

You can reach me here for any questions and if you’d like more information on Sarah and all that she has to offer, please visit her website: Sarah Rusbatch !

Izzy x