14 Inspirational Female Sober Accounts on Instagram – To follow NOW!

Nowadays, AA and rehab aren’t the only ways to find your path to sobriety / an alcohol-free lifestyle. There are books (quit lit), sober coaches, podcasts, online sober communities /apps… And there is Instagram!

Today, I’m sharing 14 of my favorite sober accounts by women on Instagram with you. Here we go…

14 Top Sober Accounts on Instagram

Sober Instagram Account

@noboozebabes A cool, fun, sobriety-loving account by Shea Gomez – One of the first sobriety accounts that I started following and I had a coffee/cookie with once in New York, she’s truly adorable! Following Shea on Instagram makes you want to quit drinking and start living… immediately!

Sober Instagram Account

@therapyforwomen Amanda E. White is a retired party girl-turned-therapist. Founder of the online therapy center ‘Therapy for Women‘, host of the podcast ‘Recovered-ish’ & writer of the brilliant (work)book ‘Not Drinking Tonight’, Amanda posts lots of interesting info on all aspects of the psyche and insights on emotions and feelings.

@themindfulmocktail Natalie Battaglia makes the most delicious and gorgeous-looking alcohol-free cocktails and shares all her recipes in beautiful reels on Instagram. PLUS, she has her own recipe book coming out soon!

@theultimatemomchallenge Celeste Yvonne is the author of the fantastic book ‘It’s not about the wine‘ & runs this powerful account full of interesting posts and reels about all things sobriety, motherhood & mental health – With the focus on the Mommy Wine Culture

@alexmcrobs Alex McRobert, former Party Girl turned Sober Yoga Girl. Alex founded the online sober yoga community The Mindfullifepractice and is the person who got me into yoga after I stopped drinking! She also hosts the podcast ‘Sober Yoga Girl’, publishes the Sober Girl Yoga Magazine, and offers retreats & yoga teacher training.

@creativesobriety Kristen Bear is all about spot-on sobriety quotes. She fills her fabulous Instagram account with great captions and stylish, fun reels.

@mocktail.mom Deb Podlogar has this AWESOME account focused on delicious, easy to make non-alcoholic drinks. Deb literally makes not drinking fun! She also hosts the podcast ‘Thriving alcohol-free’ and offers an online community with weekly Happy Half Hours on Zoom. 

@sobermomtribe This beautiful account from Alyson Premo is aimed to guide and support sober moms. She does this by sharing her own experiences and posting sober tips and wisdom on Instagram. Alyson is a Sobriety Coach and also offers several dry challenges. 

Sober Instagram Account

@sobergirlsociety Millie Gooch founded Sober Girls Society, a community with on- and offline sober events in the UK and is the writer of the great ‘The Sober Girl Society Handbook’. Her Instagram account is filled with fun and inspirational content, and is very popular among millennials.

@womanonasobermission Carmela Rodia is a sobriety blogger, coach, and educator. Her Instagram account is inspirational, encouraging & full of relatable posts!

Sober Instagram Account

@sober.powered Gill Tietz is a biochemist-turned-podcaster & network owner offering a private online sober community. Besides sharing stories & making posts filled with information on how our brains work, she’s the wisest sober lady I ‘know’ (haven’t met her yet!).

Sober Instagram Account

@happiestsober Madeline Campbell hosts the ‘Happiest Sober’ podcast and the Happiest Sober Hub – An online sober community where you can connect with like minded women. Her Instagram account focuses on the good stuff of sober life. Stuffed to the brim with positivity but keeping it REAL, this is not a unicorn account!

@sassysobermum Teri MacGilbert offers an online community membership, hosts the “Sober Stories’ podcast, and is a Sobriety Coach. On Instagram, she shares her personal experiences and many great sobriety tips.

@yoursoberpal Laura Van Antwerp is that person who brings love and laughter to your sobriety. Her relatable and honest account contains beautiful anecdotes and super funny reels. I’ve had the pleasure to meet Laura in person, and she’s just as incredible online as offline, a MUST FOLLOW!

All these accounts have different angles and vibes but the same goal… To help you live your best lives alcohol-free!

Sober Connection is EVERYTHING!

I want to finish today’s blog by emphasizing the importance of community and connection. (Online) SOBER BUDDIES are everything!!! 

My experience on Instagram started by following some of the bigger sober accounts, like the ones above, commenting and chatting with different sober peeps allover and by following hash tags like #sober, #sobriety & #sobercurious. It isn’t about the posting. It’s about CONNECTING through commenting and messaging. So anyway, one thing led to another, and suddenly, I was in touch with all these incredible women that I could totally relate to & bond with. It was AMAZING… I didn’t feel like that weird loner anymore who decided to stop drinking in a booze-crazy world –> There are LOTS OF US who are exploring an alcohol-free life!  

So my takeaway today is to check out the Instagram Sobersphere: It might just help you to become and/or stay happily sober!

Izzy x

PS: In case you’re not following me yet on Instagram, this is MY ACCOUNT 🙂

PS2: While Instagram can be a great addition to your sober tools, it is not a substitute for therapy or working with a recovery professional. If you need professional help, plz seek it