Today, I’d like to share my opinion about a book I just finished reading: ‘It’s not about the wine,’ written by Celeste Yvonne (aka @theultimatemomchallenge on Instagram). You can read more about Celeste and her book HERE…
What a revolutionary book this is… It’s about Big Alcohol, societal expectations, and peer pressure. ‘It’s not about the wine‘ is about mothers who don’t need wine to cope with their busy, stressful, feeling-like-an-octopus lives: they need REAL THINGS, like help!
The book also tells about Celeste’s journey and personal experiences, which I really enjoyed reading. There were a lot of parts in there that were relatable to me; for instance, how the sober community on Instagram helped us solidify our sobriety and about nurturing friendships while being introverted.
I believe ‘It’s not about the wine‘ is a significant addition to our global efforts to normalize not drinking. Please read it, gift it, and share your thoughts on it. Let’s spread this important message!
Have you read this book? What did you think? Let me know here 😄
Izzy x
PS For who doesn’t know what ‘Quit Lit’ actually means, you can find the definition below:
Quit lit is a literary genre on alcohol cessation, the name can be interpreted as “literature of quiting” or “quit being lit (drunk)”. It can include self-help books, as well as partially autobiographic ones. *Source: Wikipidia
I personally really like reading Quit Lit, as it really helps my in my sobriety journey. I learned (and am still learning!) so much from all the different books I have read so far… Totally recommend adding this tool to your sobriety tool box!