The Sparkling Teas

Is Sparkling Tea THE new thing?

Today I FINALLY tasted the new pink Sparkling Tea from the Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company. Back in January, I tried their original 0% alcohol Sparkling Tea, the BLÅ, and OMG… this has been my favourite sparkling beverage ever since!! 

So you can understand my excitement for the launch of the pink version of it, AS PINK BUBBLES ARE MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE…! It took me a good few months to get my hands on a bottle (some things are still hard to get here in Spain and the current lockdown situation sure doesn´t help) but finally I have one (3 actually, thought I´d better stock up ;)) and I can get started tasting…

Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company

But first I will give you a bit of background on the company that makes these: the Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company. An unfulfilled wish to create a complete wine menu at Michelin restaurant Herman, pushed Founder Jacob Kocemba, to experiment with the tastes of high-quality teas. This resulted in a completely new beverage category, what we today know as Sparkling Tea! Jacob paired up with Co-founder, Bo Sten Hansen, to ensure a strong business backbone. 

The Sparkling Teas

Today Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company offers five different versions of organic Sparkling Tea, from which two are alcohol-free: BLÅ and LYSERØD. The combination of Nordic innovation and Asian tea traditions results in a sparkling drink based on organic teas, making it possible to experiment and develop the complexity of the taste. Their vision is to prove to people, that no-one ever has to compromise with taste, by producing one of World´s best non-alcoholic organic drinks.

How is it produced?

The production of Sparkling Tea is inspired by the same complexities found in the world of wine, where terroir, season and age plays a large role in the outcome. Sparkling Tea is based on 7-13 different teas, which are comprised of a cuvée of tea (with a base of grape juice though; they also contain a small amount of freshly pressed lemon juice and residual sugar from the grape juice). Taste is extracted and fine-tuned at different temperatures and infusion times, where precision is key. A few minutes or degrees extra can have an essential impact on the outcome. The bubbles found in a bottle of Sparkling Tea are trapped under the pressure of 5-5.5 bars to ensure, that they complement and don’t overpower the fine taste. Sparkling Tea is produced in small batches, to guarantee a high level of quality and consistency, where the following points are considered: • Tea types and quantity • Temperature • Infusion time 

Sparkling Tea BLA
Sparkling Tea BLA

My Tasting – BLÅ

Let´s start with the BLÅ – Main base: JASMINE / WHITE TEA / DARJEELING

• Selection of 13 teas • Aromatic floral notes of jasmine • Fresh and lively • Softness from the Chamomile and white teas • Finished off on a darker more dry and vegetal note, thanks to the Darjeeling and green tea

MY OPINION: First of all, I love the bottle – It comes in a proper bubbly bottle and looks all nice and fancy. This drink contains 20 calories per 100ml and costs £16,95 (for 750ml). Which is quite steep for ´a bottle of tea´ so my hopes are high… The Sparkling Tea has a beautiful colour, nice and light. Active bubbles, slightly foamy after pouring. It smells a bit like black tea but with a freshness, very agreeable. Then the taste: It’s different… And a good different! It actually tastes like a freshly made tea but then cold and sparkly. With an interesting and very original flavour. I taste mainly Jasmin and a hint of lemon which makes it nice & fresh. I’m a fan. A big one!! Totally worth the money 😉

Sparkling Tea Pink
Sparkling Tea Pink

My Tasting – LYSERØD


Selection of 11 teas • Driest version of Sparkling Tea to date • Smooth and soft on the tongue, thanks to the white teas, in particular, the exclusive Silver Needle • 2 types of Oolong bringing complexity and depth • Slight notes of berries thanks to the Hibiscus • Delicate tannins from the black teas

MY OPINION: Same gorgeous bottle as the BLÅ but with a pink/white label instead of white/blue (see the pic of them together). Lots of foam when pouring which slowly makes it way down. Nice salmony colour. It smells similar to the BLÅ which makes me wonder… But no, the LYSERØD has a completely different taste all together! It is VERY DRY, the driest non-alcoholic sparkling drink I have tasted so far (and I tasted more than 30 different ones!!). I like it. You can really taste the different teas in there, but without any of them being too overpowering. The bubbles are júst right and it drinks away easily. It is a lovely drink to have with a nice summery lunch! 


If I had to pick between the BLÅ and the LYSERØD I would go for the BLÅ. Simply because I love the fresh and sparkly taste of it. But the LYSERØD is great too and I simply love both ❤️

The fantastic thing here is, in my humble opinion, that this is a new TYPE of drink; it´s not a ´fake´ sparkling wine but a réal Sparkling Tea!

A big thank you to Jacob Kocemba for all the background information. Plus an even a bigger one for inventing and producing this delicious beverage…

Please don´t hesitate to contact me for more information and if you´re interested in purchasing these sparkly drinks, just leave a comment below and I will hook you up!